Romanovs. Tsesarevich Alexei His spaniel Joy
In this film footage from the Russian State Documentary Film Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk (RGAKFD) you can see the Russian Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich playing with his favourite pet spaniel Joy in 1916. Tsarevich recounted in his own diary: August 19, 1916 in Mogilev: This morning had two lessons. Wrote Mama before breakfast and walked. Was eating breakfast with everyone in the tent. Afternoon was a walk along the Dnieper river. Joy is in hospital. Has worms. November 5th: Since yesterday, there is no pain. Remained still in bed. Before breakfast wrote Mama. Spent the day the way I did yesterday: played the sea game and cards, listened to the French and English reading. Joy is constantly with me. November 9th: Finally, I was allowed to leave the bed. Woke up early and drunk coffee at a common table. Wrote a letter to Mama. Rode to the station and back, taking Joy with Joy was spared the execution of his master and was later rescued by soldiers of the White Army. He was eventually taken