Makeover Goals , Season 1 Episode 2 Kishiko s Signature Touch, Mermaze Mermaidz
Kishiko gives Jordie a makeover Jordi s glamorous photoshoot is happening soon She may be a pro in the sports world, but photoshoots are an entirely new field And its even more nerveracking, because Orra, one of the most amazing mermaids in Mystic City, is going to be at the photoshoot, too Luckily, all of Jordies new friends are ready to help, starting with Kishiko, who helps Jordie with her makeup and her confidence. Beyond the waves, beneath the surf, and into the deep blue lies the gleaming underwater world of the Mermaze Mermaidz. Light and color have started disappearing from Mystic City, so best friends Kishiko, Shellnelle, Harmonique, Riviera, and Jordie are granted a magical color change power that they must use to save their home before the city loses its sparkle for good. Follow the fabulous fins of these mermaids, each a celebrity in their own field, as they learn to control their powers, work to save the city, and meet new friends along the way. Makeover Goals , Season 1 Episode 2 K