In Search Of Perfect, Spelunky Documentary Trailer
In Game Informer s new video game documentary, we fly to Los Angeles to explore caves with Derek Yu, the creator of Spelunky, and ask him what it means to make a perfect game. The full 17minute video drops tomorrow on YouTube. When Spelunky launched in 2012 a remake of the 2008 freeware game of the same name, but this time financed and published by Microsoft for Xbox Live Arcade it came at what was then, and may still be the largest indie game movement. Hotline Miami, Fez, Journey, and Spelunky, among others, hit the same year. But even against stiff competition, Spelunky is a clear standout and helped to popularize the roguelike genre as we know it. , , S U B S C R I B E Don t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage Subscribe to the channel: , , FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter, Instagram, Fac