The Gedanken Room (2021)
The Gedanken Room (2021) a film by Omar Costa Hamido cinematography by Grant Speich audio engineering by G. Blake HarrisonLane with Tina Raymond, Will Vinson, Niloufar Shiri, Waeli Wang, JNTHN Stein, and Omar Hamido Premiere June 9, 2021 11:00 a. m. Welcome to The Gedanken Room, a place to carry thought experiments. In this filmrecital, composerdirector Omar Costa Hamido (OCH) explores the implications of Quantum Computing (QC) for music composition and improvisation. Presenting a concert of original compositions created for a line up of performerimprovisers in Jazz, Contemporary, and Electronic Music, performances emerge in the middle of the void as a series of experiments. In its four pieces 4 Disklavier Preludes, Telematic Entanglements, Second Cornerstone, and Decoherence, the continuous and shifting visual narrative addresses issues in society and technology, including humancomputer interactions as we