War And Society Part 2 Fighting Words (1960 1969)
Produced in the 1960 s. Part 2 of a series of films made for schools entitled: War and Devised and produced in association with the Schools Council and Nuffield Foundation Humanities Curriculum Project. Editor: Ron Glenister. Research: Charlie Gillett. Producer: Richard Dunn. Title superimposed over posters. Churchill speech on the soundtrack he speaks of the Spanish Armada and Nelson. C, U of newspaper seller with poster reading: Keep Calm and An American newsreel reports on the London Blitz various shots of historic buildings on fire firemen attempt to put out blazes. Interior of Aldwych tube station being used as an air raid shelter various shots. Civilian heroes in the fight for Churchill is driven through bomb damaged streets people line the road and wave. Churchill and wife stand in open topped vehicle waving at crowd. Britain can take it states American narrator. M, S of Churchill making an after dinner speech about reven