ヒプマイ 一番手6人でダーリンダンス踊ってみた コスプレ Niconico Video sm39063090
I m back The first one year s first year Recently, it has a fierce supply, Hippumai, I love it for a long time I will follow you This time I danced a lively song in the ARB 1st anniversary costume this time, let s pay attention to the last time Daiichi Sun Descoco: sm36448779 2nd Don t: sm37164339 Third bullet girl: sm37248726 Dance Amateur is dancing with cosplay Please refrain from the viewing of those who are not good I m darken my makeup in the atmosphere of the song Yamadaichiro Yamada: Haruki 86kn mylist, 59522100 碧 刻 刻 ま ま Marilnome mylist, 55332742 Tamura Random number: Fujio sakura514fuji mylist, 61062151 Jinguji Temple Lemon: Become Naruta226 Childhood: Soundback Sound Acono Nenekotya Mylist, 56318827 Evarians of Herrasu: CHACK CSKXX Shooting: Keisaki Kurosaki Silverdust01 Sound source choreography: Beard Ard Electric Daigo 07, 22,