oldies playing in another room and its raining w, cozy fireplace (vintage radio)
oldies playing in another room and it s raining with a cozy fireplace (vintage radio) BEST EXPERIENCED WITH EARPHONES AND LOW (2030) VOLUME HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS NOSTALGIC ASMR AMBIENCE Outside Rain Cozy Fireplace Ambience Produced by: Lepreezy Audio Repair, Composition Engineering by: Lepreezy Artwork Illustration Digitally Drawn by: Lepreezy Visual Effects Editing by: Lepreezy Software, Equipment Used to Create This Video: iPad Pro (6th GEN) Apple Pencil (2nd GEN) Sennheiser MKH 416 Townsend Labs Sphere L22 Precision Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere pro Adobe After Effects Digital Audio Workstation iZotope Audacity Adobe Audition Socials Follow me on Instagram: Spotify