Leftover Crack FULL SET live at Churchills Miami ( Idle Hands)( SFLHC)
12, 28, 12 00:00 Nazi White Trash. 3:10 One Dead Cop. 7:18 Life is Pain. 13:05 Stop the Insanity. 15:40 500 Channels. 20:46 Atheist Anthem. 24:45 Gay Rude Boys Unite. 28:00 Ya Can t Go Home. 31:12 Jesus Has a Place 4 Me (Rock the 40 Oz. ) 24:46 Suicide (A Better Way. ) 40:40 The Good, the Bad the Leftöver Crack. 43:32 Born to Die. 48:30 Infested: Lindane Conspiracy, 53:41 Burn Them Prisons. 57:59 Crack Rock Steady