Avicii Wake me up ( Dara, Pasha Parfeni Cosmos în Buzunar Frozen Moldova cover, 4 K VIDEO)
We face, like you, a challenging time now. We seem to look downhearted, but we rise our eyes and tend confidently towards better beginnings. We learn to live fully, close to people and places we love, where our origins are. Ahead lies the path that leads to the sun, where we will no longer be separated by distance. We will prod back into life and inspire each other to discover unexplored and authentic places. The project gives us hope that we will rebirth, providing support to each other. The anthem of anticipation of all the states that we will live together. Our destination will not be a place, but an experience, a new way of seeing the world. Look at Moldova with a new fresh pair of eyes and find yourself. , moldovaaplacetofindyourself , avicii, dara, pashaparfenii, cosmosinbuzunar, moldova We wouldn t create our message without a wonderful crew: Director Lexx Bodylev Producer Serge Grey 1st DP Yura Kulyuk 2nd DP Igor Salkov Gimbal operator Lexx Bodylev Cinematic drone pilot Lexx Bod