Elden Ring Hand to Hand Build How to Build a Frost Fu Monk Guide ( Shadow of the Erdtree Build)
Elden Ring HandtoHand Build How to Build a FrostFu Monk Guide (Shadow of the Erdtree Build) In this Elden Ring Build Guide, Ill be showing you my Dryleaf Arts build. This is a Shadow of the Erdtree build that takes place after level 150. If youve been looking for a Kung Fu build that uses both your hands and feet to deals unrelenting damage to anything and to anyone then you might want to check this buildout. Shadow of the Erdtree Wiki: Wiki: SOTE Map: 0:00 Elden Ring FrostFu Monk Guide 0:25 How To Make This Build Work 6:00 Armor and Talismans 8:17 Attributes 9:45 Final Tips (Flasks and Great Rune) Don t forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more Follow us on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Visit our wikis: Check out our blog: Visit our forums: , eldenring, soteguide, shadowoftheerdtreebuild