Stranded In Prescot British Insulated Cables Ltd Reel 4 (1932)
A promotional film made by British Insulated Cables Ltd. c 1932 Reel 4 StratforduponAvon, brief shot of the railway station. Two shots of a large unidentified building. British Insulated contract works men dig a trench before laying some cable. Narrator states: It is almost self explanatory so we ll say it with Montage follows set to music: digging trench, rolling drum of cable off a lorry, children watch the men at work, man using pick to open protective covering of the cable drum, military precision in laying the cables, men bend down and pull the cable through the trench, a weight is lowered into the trench then the cable is pulled through. Sequence showing a cable join being made, man uses a hacksaw to slice through he cable then binds the cable with tape, part of the casing is stripped off then the end is heated, the cable is sliced then joined. Hot tin is poured over the end of the conductors, the insulation is tested, joins are made and covered with tape. A lead sleeve is pl