Cadia stands Japanese version. Warhammer 40k song
For thousands of years, a war s been waged, Light and Dark in battle engaged. Through millions of fearsome fights, in silence, we ve marched, no prayers in sights. Before the Eye of Terror, a shield, the first line of defense we wield. A fortress planet holds the line. Warpspawn shall not pass this sign But Cadia stands In the material realm, we re the shield at hand. The Emperor Himself will us defend. Cadia stands Though rivers of blood in battle blend, let Abaddon return and try to amend. Let Chaos corrupt souls till the end. Cadia stands Flags flutter in the wind, a bristle of bayonets, the enemy s end. And Cadian ranks unleash a volley, lasguns fire, a deadly folly. Not one stepped back, heretics sent to black, and proudly to battle went the cadet, The enemy crushed by Space Marine s threat. With the roar of a thousand explosions, Black Fortress on Cadia falls. The ground cracks, the planet is lost, its fiercenes