Phrasal verbs with OUT How to Understand Phrasal Verbs with this Preposition
Phrasal Verbs with OUT Understanding Phrasal Verbs can seem complicated. But if you understand what the preposition means, it will be a lot easier In this video Rob looks at the 6 main meanings of OUT when it is used in phrasal verbs. Check out the video and let us know if you have any questions. 19 phrasal verbs with OUT 1. Outside or leaving or appearing Get out To leave captivity He got out of jail after 5 year Go out To socialise outside home Shes going out with some friends 2. Excluding Leave out To omit or not include The movie was good, but it left out some parts of the book Rule out To eliminate a possible option They ruled out that option because it was too expensive 3. Solution or searching and finding Check out To experience or look at something Do you want to check out the new exhibition Figure out To find a solution I finally figured out how to get passed the first level Work out To solve I have finally worked out how Im going to finish the book Find out