My Experience with Till Lindemann Reaction to Accuser Kayla Shyxs Video ( Rammstein Controversy)
I m trying to make a point here about Rammstein Till Lindemann media manipulation. In this video, I briefly review my real experience with Till Lindemann at the Rammstein afterparties and then I move on to a longer reaction to analysis of Kayla Shyx s video. ,Rammstein, TillLindemann, JusticeForRammstein, JusticeForTillLindemann, IStandWithRammstein, IStandWithTillLindemann, MeToo, MediaFail, KaylaShyx, RammsteinInterview I ll have a video out on Christophe Schneider s statement later this weekend, so make sure to subscribe. Check Out My Rammstein Video Playlist For More Vids From Me On This Topic: Here s the video I mentioned where I discuss my Rammstein afterparty experiences in detail: MY INSTAGRAM: PLEASE SUPPORT MY YOUTUBE WORK FOR THE FALSELY ACCUSED Plea