KIRA DOLL 02 JEANS DOLLS, According To The Dimensions From The Drawings ( Free Patterns), Din Life
The Drawing: Zerowaste Cut for thick and thin fabrics: Material: Old jeans fabric (If light jeans are not available, you can use the reverse side of the fabric) Tools: Paper, pen, ruler, needle, thread, scissors 1. Intro: 00:01 2. Draw the bigger doll model: 00:06 3. Prepare fabric and tools: 01:20 4. Head and foot making techniques: 02:00 5. Leg and body techniques: 04:30 6. Wrap body 2 layers: 07:00 7. Stitching arms: 07:45 8. Stitching round ears: 08:55 9. Draw the smaller doll model: 10:00 10. Wrap body 1 layer: 10:12 11. Stitching pointed ears: 10:40 12. Finishing: 11:10 so finally, this video is finished: DinLife s longest video ever: Big doll and small doll body. With this drawing method, you will not need to print pattern a