Atomic Brinda Rust Cinematic ( Movie Trailer)
ATOMIC BRINDA takes great vengeance for Pinto. Featuring audio samples from our favorite creators: Spoonkid, Willjum, Blazed, CoconutB, ImPheetus, Fork, Dinkbot, and LuckyLlama. Thank you for watching this Rust parody of Atomic Blonde Twitch at Please check out these amazing creators Spoonkid YouTube Spoonkid Twitch Blazed YouTube Blazed Twitch Fork Girl 2 YouTube Fork Twitch DinkBot YouTube DinkBot Twitch ImPheetus YouTube ImPheetus Twitch LuckyLlama YouTube Willjum YouTube Willjum Twitch Coconut B YouTube Coconut B Twitch Free Motion Graphics Video used: under main title AAvfx Art Store read all the way down here :)