Rock And Roll Music , Beatles Cover Parody Featuring My New Rickenbacker 325
If you were to try to give rock and roll another name, you might call it Chuck John Lennon. Tonight I have a cover of Rock And Roll Music written by Chuck Berry and famously recorded by The Beatles. Also on tonight s show, I ll be featuring my new Rickenbacker 325 where you ll get to meet Guitar Guy as he demonstrates the new guitar as well as my old Washburn WI14, which is my first guitar My new Rickenbacker isn t new itself, it s a 1991 Rickenbacker 325. however it s new to me as I just recently bought it. Thanks to TR Crandall Guitars, I was able to purchase my dream guitar On a side note, I m very thankful for this guitar and everything else that I have. I put a lot of hard work to get this guitar, I m very happy with i and I hope you ll enjoy checking it out with me This guitar was actually significantly cheaper than a brand new Rickenbacker 325 and with it s gorgeous greenish turquoise finish, I knew this gu