In Tune, 2021, Animated short film, Koh Yun Ying Dianna
Synopsis: In Tune is a short film about Ah Gongs fatherly love towards Cheepcheep, his songbird. Set in a park, Ah Gong transitions from a strict, guiding figure to one that puts his pet s desires over his own. Director: Koh Yun Ying Dianna 3dsense Media School is a leading digital arts school in Asia, preparing students for careers in film, games and animation since 2003. Our diplomas focus on providing industrybased training for Visual Effects Animation (VFX, Animation and 3D Modeling for film), Game Art (Animation 3D Modeling for games), Motion Graphics Design, Concept Design Illustration, and Toy Design Production. Since 2015, 3dsense has been consistently ranked amongst the Top 10 Art Schools globally by The Rookies World School Rankings, the worlds most respected ranking system for educational institutes in the creative media and entertainment industries.