Natsuho Murata performs Rodes Caprice No. 4 in E minor
Natsuho Murata, 12, Japan, performing Rode s Caprice No. 4 in E minor from 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op. 22 at the Menuhin Competition, Richmond2021 Junior First Rounds. Natsuho Murata began her violin studies when she was three years old. She has won prizes including 1st prize in the International Nutcracker Television Competition for Young Musician in Moscow and 1st prize in Il Piccolo Violino Magico International Competition in San Vito al Tagliamento. Her performances include the AADGT 25th Anniversary Concert at Carnegie Hall, the opening ceremony of the Sion Music Festival, Concours Musical International de Montréal s Mini Violini Showcase and the opening ceremony of the Moscow Meets Friends International Festival. She plays a Ferdinando Gagliano violin on special loan from Nippon Violin Co. Ltd. Founded by Yehudi Menuhin in 1983, the Menuhin Competition is the world s leading international competition for young violinists. The Competition attracts hundreds