Breaking the Chains of Historical Cycles Jason Breshears ( Archaix) Alfa Vedic
, BreakingtheChainsofHistoricalCycles , JasonBreshears (Archaix) , AlfaVedic November 18th, 2022 Streamed live on November 17, 2022 In this muchanticipated sequel, Jason Breshears from sheds timely light on the true nature of our technological realm through a lens of current events. Many of us are now aware of the mass changes just visible on the collective horizon. Why has the most basic knowledge concerning the nature of our realm been guarded by a select few, and increasingly transparent to some while meeting scathing rebuff by those not yet up to task We ll most definitely entertain these questions, and as per Jason s request, address a compilation of queries curated from the Alfa Vedic community at large. For those new to Jason s work, you may want to familiarize yourself with the foundational research concepts introduced in the first interview: Are We In A False Reality Simulacrum Jason Breshears (Archaix) Alfa Vedic June 2, 2022 z FAIR USE.