DO THIS Every Morning To Destroy LAZINESS PROCRASTINATION Today , Mel Robbins
Check out my wife, Lisa Bilyeu s New Book, Radical Confidence here: Join our Discord community so you dont miss out on all the amazing things we are working on Here you will get direct access to Tom and the team PLUS exclusive content, offers, and so much more. Jump on in and get started on becoming legendary Mel Robbins is a powerhouse speaker with one of the top 20 TEDx talks in the world. This former criminal defense attorney turned onair commentator and CNN contributor exposes the myth of motivation and explains how to make the microdecisions that will launch you into success in this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. Tom Bilyeu is the cofounder of 2014 Inc. 500 company Quest Nutrition a unicorn startup valued at over 1 billion and the cofounder and host of Impact Theory. Impact Theory is a firstofitskind company designed to facilitate global change through the incubation of missionbased busi