Learn How to Paint TOUCAN AND LADYBUG with Acrylic Paint Sip at Home Fun Step by Step Lesson
VIDEO DESCRIPTION This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, stepbystep instructions on how to draw and paint this colorful tropical animal portrait image of TOUCAN AND LADYBUG with acrylic paint. You ll learn simple drawing and painting techniques that will help you to create this beautiful realistic portrait painting with a stunning brightly marked billed barbet starring at a tiny delicate little ladybug sitting on the top of its beak. The deep primary colors decorating the design on the oversized bill will provide an energetic look to the painting. Surrounded by the light glow from the atmospheric light, the small bug casts a shadow on the yellow section of the bird as they curiously look at each other. You can imagine that the bird is perched in a tree, on a stump, or somewhere secluded in the jungle canopy when he is visited by this illusive little flying insect. You ll learn how to create dimension in the shape of the face, bill and neck by using a simple l