Alla prima portrait technique ( Wet on wet) Oil Painting with Sinisa Matic
We filmed this alla prima portrait with artist Sinisa Matic in his home studio. It was a lot of fun and very interesting to see his process. It s a bit different to the usual steps you might follow in an academic training however it s based in classical study and follows the main principles of academic oil painting. We recommend you try it out for yourself Especially if you feel a bit trapped by the drawing part of the process and want to try a looser approach that still adheres to the representational process of portrait painting. Sinisa studied classical painting and drawing at the Florence Academy of Art in Florence, Italy and is a very fine draughtsman his drawings are especially exquisite You can check his work on instagram here We hope you like this demo and find something useful you can try next time you re in the studio Thanks for watching :) Emily (admin and artist behind the scenes)