OCEAN GRAVITY Guillaume Néry Julie Gautier
Ocean Gravity is a short film that rewrite the rules of the underwater world and takes us this time into the world of the weightlessness. Just like in the space, there isnt anymore a top or a bottom. There isnt anymore upside down and wrong side out. The ocean becomes cosmos, the man a satellite, and the bottom of the sea an unknown planet. Welcome in the fascinating universe of Ocean Gravity. Guillaume: since ever, my diving propels my imagination in the fantasy of the conquest of space. To touch the sea floor or to set foot on an unexplored planet, here are 2 fascinating adventures which feed my thirst of unknown. The discovery of this quite unique place (Tiputa Rangiroa French Polynesia), allowed us to put in image the visual closeness of 2 universes water and air, ocean and space. DONE WITHOUT FX Produced by LES FILMS ENGLOUTIS Written and directed by Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier Underwater camera on breathhold: Julie Gautier With Guillaume Néry Editing: Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier C