Sympathetic Nervous System: Crash Course AP, 14
Hank tries not to stress you out too much as he delves into the functions and terminology of your sympathetic nervous system. we made flashcards to help you review the content in this episode Find them on the free Crash Course App Download it here for Apple Devices: Download it here for Android Devices: Table of Contents Sympathetic Nervous System Controls the Body s Stress Response 0:26 How Signals Travel to Effectors 1:48 Acetylcholine in the Ganglion 3:55 Norepinephrine at the Effector 4:42 Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Are Secreted as Hormones 5:35 Alpha Receptors Cause Smooth Muscles to Constrict 7:14 Beta Receptors Cause Smooth Muscles to Relax 7:27 Crash Course is now on Patreon You can support us directly (and, until April 30th, have your contributions matched by Patreon ) by signing up at Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free f