How to Insert Pro Level Passing Chords Into Any Progression
This video explains the two key methods you need for adding prolevel passing chords and walking chords to any progression or song. First, we talk about using tritone substitutions and a halfstep model for quick, simple, but highly effective resolutions in practically any context. Then, we go over how to use diatonic voicing motion to voice walking and moving basslines. By combining the two, we get a completely professional sound that we can use for reharmonization and adding transitional chords between the chords of any song we choose. We use the tune Body and Soul as our canvas. For more detailed info and a full stepbystep learning method, click here to join the waitlist for my Jazz Piano Secrets course about The Neo Jazz Piano Method: For personal guidance, sign up for a free strategy call to talk about your goals right here: (if link doesn t work, just paste it into your browser with the ending str br,