Multiple Game Titles, , TBD
Multistreaming with Adventurer, Explorer, Completionist Merely reaching The End of a game, is not my goal. Side, Faction, Guild or Alliance quests are not truly optional if I want to Live the Game. These can be better than the main quest As a long time Gamer, I truly love Adventuring and finding the hidden Places, People and Things a game s Creator passionately developed. I play a wide variety of game types by AAAStudios Indie publishers. What Matters Immersive Lore Challenges, High Quality Graphics, and Nostalgic Classics. I Discovered Gaming Sharing the World of Imagination with an audience, provides me more fulfillment than simply playing for just myself. Also, I enjoy creating producing films offline, Let s Play episodes and Live Streamed craziness. Play It For Tradition Patreon Site Do you enjoy these experiences Consider Becoming a Patreon Member. Every Single Person, any PatreonMember Level, makes a