Wash Day Some Doggy Hints From Haslemere (1933)
Haslemere, Surrey. L, S of group of kennel maids in the open air holding dogs in their arms. C, U of some of the girls and their charges cute Always plug your dog s ears with cotton wool, advises Miss Trefusis Forbes, of the famous Bellmead C, U of a dog having his ears plugged. Thoroughly wet the dog all over don t leave his head dry C, U of dog in a tin basin having water poured on him. C, U of the dog being soaped. A good rinse before drying Two girls kneel beside the basin and pour water over the dog. He is put into another basin and a bucket full of water is poured over him. L, S of the dog being taken out. Don t forget a little The dog shakes himself. C, U of the cotton wool being taken out of his ears. The girls then dry him off with some towels. And something they re not too fond of the Dog lies on his back being combed looks like he loves it L, S of kennel maid combing another dog. C, U of a fluffy dog being combed. Was an item in Ev