Tribute song for Allen Mall victims Twinkle Twinkle Little One by Luna Lee
original song Twinkle Twinkle Little One Song explanation I imagined this tune to be played when ppl pray or think of the victims and the families of the Allen mall shooting. There are 2 parts in this song. The first part described the peace. I wish for everyone affected by this tragedy. I know they are having a very hard time now. So I was hoping that they will have more peace. The second part is for their future. I wish the families of the victims will have a brighter and joyfilled happiness in their life in the future. I especially thought of the 6 year old boy who lost his parents and younger brother. Because I m Korean (like his family) and also I m a mom to Benny. So I felt like I know him well. And I felt so heartbroken when I thought of the boy. I hope his future will be very bright like a star. And I hope this song can give him more encouragement in the days to come. Please share this song if you have family or friends who think of them and pray f