Aoi Malon Tried to Dance MERRY GO ROUND Nora Pan , Pantsu
Video Description According to video sm18100694, We tried to dance to this song with our own way The 5 gathering was fun PaMalon is singing MaAaa, I (ω) To sell yourselfwarning NoAt these timesI don t know what kind of face should I do AI have fun at the end Music: sm16202181 Choreographysm18100694 Photograph and Editingmoririnsan co1300795 moririn25 Order of the dancers (according to the pose) Pan(Pantsu)(koma n)mylist, 29064931 co1370708 hetarepan2 Malon (Pokota)mylist, 22178057 co543757maloooooooon (Kettaro)mylist, 9737132 co217644 13 Nora (Michan)mylist, 18254208 co232115 noranecoco Aoi (Dasoku)mylist, 28506261 co1337295 nicodanceAoi