Lähtö Shadows Of What We Were (2008)
Lähtö Shadows Of What We Were MMVIII Dead Pilot Records 1 Separation 2 Kim 3 A Home For This 4 For Ligeti 5 Black White 6 Cast On The Wall 7 Opaque 8 Three Makers Of Existence 9 Disembark 10 The Last Time That I Saw You 11 Your Last Words To Me Rerelease of the fantastic ambient, drone classic Shadows of What We Were by Lahto, featuring 3 amazing bonus tracks. I don t know if the word epic should be used to describe ambient music, but there s not many other words that can describe this album. It s like the sound track to an underwater battle, but it s never too dark or too heavy or too noisey. As each track unfolds, the battle takes on a new chapter, the winning side advances further in an amazing and elequent manner. An absolutely beautiful and uplifting experience, a must have for fans of the drone scene and even if you already have the album from it s initial digital release, the bonus tracks exclusive to the CDr rerelease add further depth to the album that must be heard. A cinematic masterpiece.