TANGO TECHNIQUE FOR LEADERS: How to position your leg Exercises
Argentine Tango technique for leaders In this video, we are working on improving your Tango Walk TANGO TIPS FOR LEADERS AT ALL LEVELS. How to position your leg for long and short steps. Please, remember to subscribe to our Youtube Channel. Also, visit our website and activate your FREE TRIAL on Online Tango Training (You ll love it) Tango classes in all the topics and styles. Miriam Larici Leonardo Barrionuevo FOX s BBC s So you think you Dance Current Tango Choreographers Since 2009 NBC s Superstars of Dance Champions 2009 ABC s Dancing with the Stars Tango Choreographers 2011, 12, 13, 16, 17 NBC s America s Got Talent Guest Performers 2012 UNIVISION s Latin GRAMMY Awards Guest Performers 2014 2017 Stars at CHASE BANK s TV Commercial 2015, 16, 17 CoStars at ABC s TV Series The Catch 2016 , ArgentineTango, TangoSteps, MiriamLeonardoTango TangoTips, TangoWalk