Quanah Sanchez Charlotte Guerin, 2022 French Championship Latin, Adult LAT solo Chacha
Get the beat and excitement of the 2022 French Championship Latin Watch it here on YouTube. Subscribe and enjoy the craft: Results: Final 1. 182 CharlesGuillaume SCHMITT, Elena SALIKHOVA 2. 164 Antonio MOSA, Mihaela ANTONOVA 3. 128 Lucas FELICI, marie GLISTOVA 4. 180 Quanah SANCHEZ, Charlotte GUERIN 5. 156 Nikolay LEVCHENKOV, Marie DENIGOTLEVCHENKOVA 6. 144 JeanFrancois GUEUDRY, Ilmira YARULLINA Detailed results on Covering Edit: Marius Mutin ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Youtube Channel: Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook: Website: Note: You are interested by this cl