1 The Three Peters
The Three Peters. Judy and Peter return home from another adventure in Jumanji and are extremely upset as they nearly got Alan home but failed. They had been very close too and Peter is so angry he tosses the game against a cabinet causing the glass dome in the center to shatter into three parts. The game sends out a massive whirlwind while the clue woeful pieces of a broken soul, await the strike that makes them whole, before the whirlwind pulls them into the game. They land on an island and Peter apologizes, but when Judy tries to get him to swim to the nearby shore, he s too afraid. They get attacked by two giant leeches and Peter proves no help, but Alan shows up and saves them and they safely get to the opposite shore. Peter disappears and when the two find him again, he s extremely mean to them, steals Alan s food and runs off with Alan chasing him, leaving Judy behind. Judy gets consumed by a green creature, but Peter shows up and saves her.