A Tropical Octav3 Animation
Everypony s favorite fanpairing gets stranded on a deserted for like 2 and a half minutes. Check out my previous Pony Animation: I feel like a third of my fanbase LOVES when I do pony related stuff. Another third doesn t mind or even care. And the last third HATE when I even type the word pony. Well, don t worry. I m not only gonna do pony stuff on my channel. But considering my most popular video is Sonic VS Rainbow Dash, I m gonna have to do pony stuff at SOME point. Now if you ll excuse me, I m going to ignore all the comments I get asking me why my cutie mark is an awesome face with a gun pointed at it s head. Original Song: By and LIKE, FOLLOW, WATCH: Facebook: Twitter: Deviantart: I swear to god, I suck at drawing backgrounds. I m decent with character models, but when it comes to backgrounds I might as well be a 6 year old in MS Paint.