Solo Bushcraft Overnighter Minimalist Hobo Camping
When I was younger I always dreamed of travelling from town to town on foot, carrying a small amount of gear and camping out along the way. In these towns I would find a few days work to earn a little money then replenish my supplies and continue with my travels. This trip was an attempt to feel what that kind of lifestyle would ve been like. I spent a good portion of the day hiking until I came to a small forest stream. There I set up my camp for the night, had a quick meal, and got a really good sleep. In the morning after a quick bite to eat and some coffee I packed up and once again hit the trail. This was a really fun trip that allowed me to experience what a different lifestyle may have entailed. Thank you to everyone who watches. I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did. FAQ, Info: Where was this filmed Alberta, Canada. What about the wildlife This area is home to many wildlife species including black bears, grizzly bears, cougars, and wolves. For