Resident Evil 8 ( Village) Credits
, RE8, ResidentEvil8, ResidentEvilVillage, Capcom, Credits Big thanks to CAPCOM for the sending me a copy of this game. Game description Experience survival horror like never before in the 8th major installment in the Resident Evil franchise Resident Evil Village. With detailed graphics, intense firstperson action and masterful storytelling, the terror has never felt more realistic. Buy the game, PC, PSN, Xbox, Genre: Action, Horror RELEASE DATE: May, 7, 2021 DEVELOPER: CAPCOM Co. , Ltd. PUBLISHER: CAPCOM Co. , Ltd. Channel Description Hi awesome people and welcome to my channel I am a one woman army, I record and edit videos all by myself and I try to bring you the highest quality possible of guides, walkthroughs, gameplays, cutscenes from games, easiest methods to defeat bosses, lots of tips