Poison Clan Dont Sleep On A Hizzo
Now you can purchase my videos here: Poison Clan was a Southern hiphop group signed to Luke Records from 1990 to 1995, the group had a various lineups and members were JT Money, Debonaire, Uzi, Madball and Big Ram. Poison Clan played an important role in the development of the Dirty South movement that developed late in the decade. The group began as a 2 Live Crewsponsored group on Luke Records and came to an end when the group s driving force, JT Money, went on to a more successful solo career after a businessrelated dispute with Luke. In retrospect, though Poison Clan struggled to gain notoriety outside of Miami in the 90s, the group s style of sleazy, cluboriented, bassdriven rap provided the template for the late 90s Dirty South movement. Originally, Poison Clan was duo featuring Debonaire and JT Money featured on 2 Low Life Muthas. The two Miami