A Beloved Community of Sisters and Brothers (1, 16, 22), Music the Spoken Word
Music the Spoken Word Heritage broadcast with The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. Conducting todays program are Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy, with organist Andrew Unsworth, and the Spoken Word by Lloyd Newell. Opening Credits (0:00) 1) Scatter Sunshine 2) Hear Him 3) Prelude on Prospect of Heaven 4) How Bright Is the Day 5) My God Is So High 6) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty SPOKEN WORD TITLE By We live in what some have called a consumer society, a society focused on buying and sellingthen buying and selling some more. Such a society thrives on discontent, inadequacy, competition, and comparisons, because that drives us to make more purchases. The late British rabbi and writer Jonathan Sacks observed: A consumer society encourages us to spend money we dont have, on products we dont need, for a happiness that wont last. In a consumer society, he explained, we act to be envied rather than Contrast that kind of shallow society with the sense of be