Dan Carlson Sonic Bloom Interview
Dan Carlson was the inventor of the patented Sonic Bloom system, which uses specific frequencies of sound waves, mixed with music, and foliar spraying, to emulate nature s frequency vibrations to accelerate plant, tree, and fruit vegetable growth. The Sonic Bloom system used in conjunction with Empac7 soil regeneration, can significantly improve crop agriculture, orchard, and garden yields, whether outdoor or indoor (hydroponic, aquaponic, aeroponic) growing environments. Mr. Carlson has passed on, but will be remembered as a pioneer of enhancing the nutrition of the world s population, with inventive natural techniques of plant growth enhancement without soil depleting chemical fertilizers. We salute his efforts and support his goals and his system in our own efforts to regenerate endangered topsoil across the globe. For more information on Empac7 and using sound and light wave wave frequencies to enhance your agricultural needs, whether 10, 000 acres or your backyard garden, Faster matur