Update Winged Lions in a nutshell ( Thundergirls)
Finally i made it before the next patch devserver is out :D a big thank you to :LordNemo; DrPavel; FastGT007 and ToshiroUmezawa for helping me recording these sketches Music: Renai Circulation MONOGATARI Series Arranger, Composer: Satoru Kosaki Lyricist: meg rock Sabaton The Last Stand (Chiptune Cover)by BITbOY Xmashup di Super Mario World 2 Yoshi s Island Athletic and Mike WiLL MadeIt 23 di One Month Studio: ZimoNitrome: HARDBASS Katyusha (Cosmowave Remix) Caramelldansen (Cosmowave Hardbass Remix) SWEDISH VERSION Kidnap the Sandy Claws BMac Music Released on: 20201002 Composer Lyricist: Danny Elfman Water Park Mario Kart 8 Deluxe OST Copyright by NintendoComposed by