Happy April Fools Day 彡 )) )
NeW MUsIc PAcK Ola Dash FeATuReS 6 sONgS. UnlOck iT TO oBtAin tHe CHaRaCtER Boxer Ola (CV: Mariya Ise), 1 tITLe ScReEN, 1 iLLuSTratIon, aNd ThE BRaNd neW sOuND eFFEcTs. CHAnGe IT iN Option Audio Ola Ola ぶっとばスーパーノヴァ ななひら ろねぽち AnD RushHour litmus aRe ADdeD wiTh HIddEn SHeETS. TAp tHE mAStEr DIFfiCuLTy bUTtOn frANnkly TO UnLOcK iT Ola Ola Ola A nEw sONg IS aDdED tO Just as Planned Plus. ThE OUtSidE WoRLd iS fUll Of cONfUsiOn aNd diSoRDer. ONLy hERe Ola Ola Ola Ola UnLoCk a CHaMpiOn Ola iLLuStRAtiOn aND a Bilibili s 400, 000 FoLLoWeRs cOnGrAtUlAtoRY illUStrATioN bY cHiPs Mar 31 Apr 9 50 OFF the base game, 20 OFF the Just as Planned DLC Uninstalling Muse Ola Dash is now installed on your device