Maxim Shalygin Letters to Anna symphony for violin solo backstage
Year: 2009 2010, , Duration: 27 30 , , The first and only performer: Emmy Storms, , the work has received an honorable mention at the Gaudeamus competition 2012. most striking merit of this untimely work, however, is that it is drenched with a spirit that totally lacks in many contemporary Western music: a penchant for the transcendent that only succeeds in convincing when it is expressed by a master who sovereignly commands his medium. Therein, Shalygin is an heir to composers like Ustvolskaya (or filmmakers like Tarkowski), who, from a broader perspective, are more akin to Bach, the spirit of whose chaconne resounds in Shalygins symphony, whereas composers like Lachenmann, notwithstanding their often impressive feats, are only heir to a supposed continuous negation of the norm by the great masters. However that may be, there is no doubt that a great composer is coming here. Let us hope that he will live up to the ex