Bergeon 1766 Watchmaker Lathe 8mm on
For sale: An used Bergeon 1766 Lathe 8mm Including: Bergeon 176601 Headstock ø8mm Bergeon 176602 Movable tailstock Bergeon 176607, a lathe bar 275mm Bergeon 176610 Foot Bergeon 176611 Compound Slide Rest with toolpost Bergeon 176605 Hand Rest with 2 TRests Bergeon 176637 TRest roller Bergeon 176601A Drawbar, Drilling Runner Bergeon 176615 Self Centring Chuck overall diameter ø55mm with reversible jaws Bergeon 176621F Assortments of 20 american B8 chucks Sizes: 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 8