7 3 Exhibition, Pro Paintball
Subscribe to Gosports The 73 Exhibition is the NEW paintball format that we are testing at the 2023 NXL World Cup. This will be the first PUBLIC showing of the new format. Previously it has been shown in small sample groups but now it is going to be LIVE for everyone to see. Again, this is just an exhibition and has no impact on the 2023 season standings or the Champions Cup. What are your thoughts on the new format ,paintball, nxlpaintball, worldcup The final stop of the 2023 National Xball League season concludes during the World Cup of Paintball event presented by Kissimmee Sports, November 9th 12th Teams, Players, Fans Companies from every corner of the globe will come together for the largest event of the year. , paintball, propaintball, nxlpaintball, documentary, gosports, nxl, proevent Videos and More: Follow Gosports on Instagram: Follow Gosports on Facebook: