Lingashtakam, Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam, Shivaratri 2001, Thursday Sai Darshan 22
Sai Students chant the Lingaashtakam Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam in 2001. Radiosai invites you to soak in that bliss of Darshan. Starting from Guru Poornima every Thursday, we will offer you a small Darshan clip, to live and relive that magical experience. Stay tuned with us to watch this space every Thursday for your Thursday Divine Darshan When the compassionate Lord chose to move amidst as He glided past us and before us, He silently slipped into our hearts too The eyes that were intoxicated with the beauty of His Darshan and never satiated, unknowingly then, turned within in search of that divine glimpse. Isn t that how He purified us, isn t that how He made us seekers That was the magic of our Sai s Darshan Camera Dr. Sara Pavan