Are You A Golfer (1932)
Full title reads: Are you a Golfer Here are some hints on the ancient but evergreen game by A. J. Lacey, French and Belgian Open Champion C, U of A. J. Lacey standing with a golf club held on his shoulder. He is wearing plus fours. He speaks about how to be as natural as possible when playing golf and to avoid jerkiness. As he speaks about technique people walk into shot to watch his demonstration. Slow motion footage of his stroke, several people watch lots of women. Incidentally, A. J. Lacey, who is the wellknown Selsdon Park Professional and has played for England, is reputed to be one of Britain s longest A very serious man asks Lacey how he gets such good length on his drive. Lacey describes his technique and slowly demonstrates. He then takes a proper swing. Various shots including C, U of Lacey s hands on the club. What is the difference between an iron shot and a drive Lacey demonstrates. We then see him taking shots in a bunker. Some shots seen in slow mot