Motorball the Brutal Futuristic Sport, Alita Battle Angel SUPERCUT Movie Scene
Motorball is really where the effects got to shine. The human faces plastered onto the insane robotic CGI bodies moving at a million miles an hour, beating the shit out of each other and racing for the small metal ball is not only exhilarating to watch, but its nice to look at. It does a great job at tricking your eye. But you still feel every impact. You can tell which players are heavier and which are lighter, which attacks pack a bigger punch and so on. And, man, do you really fucking feel it when one of the players has Alita by the head and is grinding her into the asphalt as they speed across the track. I couldnt help but cringe. Im really impressed with how well they integrated all the robotic bodies with human faces. It just looks so cool Doom 4 Doom Baahubali Aston Martin Vantage Uncle Got Scared When Hitting T