6 страшных видео, которые вас напугают до чёртиков
From a scary video that might show a shadow figure in an old nursing home to creepy footage of a possible haunted house, we look at 6 scary videos that will creep you out ,Scary, ScaryVideos, SlappedHam SUBSCRIBE: WATCH MORE HAM: SUPPORT US ON PATREON: SLAPPED HAM TSHIRTS HOODIES: SUBMIT YOUR OWN PARANORMAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: READ MORE AMAZING TOP 10 LISTS ON OUR WEBSITE: FOLLOW US: OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: SOURCES: 6. Abandoned Early 1900 S Mansion Later Turned Into A Nursing Home, , So Much Left behind 5. Many people have encountered dark shadow 4. shahinurislam0022 3. Buddy mine showed me this amazing was at a family 2. Fox 6 Now 1. geebeetv MUSIC: Apprehension Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source: Artist: The Children s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Artist: