Bgirl Jilou vs Bboy Wildchild, Undisputed 2019, Top 16, , Hualien Bboy City
Bboy Wildchild faces Bgirl Jilou in the first round of Undisputed Qualifiers for world finals the next week in Hualien, Taiwan Video courtesy : Stance Judges : Prince KenSwift MGbility G1 Leo Aga Music by : DJ One Up MC : The Godfather Bojin Winner : Wildchild ( Beast Mode Crew ) About BEASTMODE: Born Ethical Abilities on STreets mode crew is a group of Beatboxers, BBoys, BGirls, House Dancers, Graffiti Writers, Poppers, Lockers, BMX riders, Skateboarders, MC s, Rappers who are well known across the country as well as Globe. Few of them have even represented the country Internationally. Members have been judging Colleges across the city, State and Country as well. Follow us on Instagram: beastmodecrewindia Facebook Link: Subscribe to our official production house channel on youtube MoveMentals MoveMentals on INSTAGRAM: movementalsproductions Subscribe for more videos , beastmodecrewindia, hiphopinindia, undisputed2019